Our workflow is comprised of a series of standard phases, which when applied, improves the efficiency and fluidity of communication with our customers. Furthermore, we recognize the importance of flexibility and offer the ability to adjust the workflow to meet the specific requirements of each customer.
To ensure that we provide the best service possible, we recommend that our clients provide us with the following information whenever it is available. The more we know about the project, the better equipped we are to meet our clients' needs:
---3D model (Sketchup, Rhino, Revit, 3DSmax, etc.)
---Site of the project on Google Earth
---Photos of the site (high resolution background photos for composition if necessary)
---Perspective angles | Rendering moods
---Facade plans | Section plans | List of finishes
---Site | Landscape plan | Greenery description
---Reference images | Mood boards
---Interior design plans (if available |necessary)
Once we receive the starting package and the signed contract, we begin production. We kindly ask that you inform us of any missing documents as soon as possible. During this phase, we focus on developing the following:
--- Appearance in relation to plans and geometry
--- Options for final rendering moods
--- Options for perspective angles
--- Interior layout
Vous pouvez commenter le brouillon du rendu enannotant sur celui-ci.
--- Géométrie
--- Angles de perspectives
--- Matériaux
--- Etc.
Render with materials and lighting(2-4 days)
During this phase, we work on creating renderings that include the following elements:
--- Materials
--- Characters
--- Furnishings
--- Configurations and details
You can comment on the draft rendering by annotating on it.
--- Materials
--- Characters
--- Furnishings
--- Lights
--- Etc.
Preview before final rendering (1-2 days)
After reviewing all previous communications with the client, we will produce the rendering for final review. The purpose of this preview is to obtain the client's confirmation to proceed with the final rendering.
If you want to make some adjustments, you can do so in this comment phase on the points below
--- Add/remove characters
--- Slight modifications
Final rendering (1-2 jours)
Finalize renderings based on your final comments.
Copyright © 2023- Luo and Yu Studio | Atelier Imagination Realisation